Hello Fresh Review

What is Hello Fresh?

Hello Fresh is a weekly meal delivery service. You can pick how many different recipes and servings you would like to be sent each week. You can modify your meal preferences such as no meat, calorie smart, family friendly, etc. Each week there is a new selection of recipes to chose from that you can modify up until the cutoff date before shipment. You can also skip weeks as necessary if your traveling that week, etc. 

My Experience with Hello Fresh. 

I first tried out Hello Fresh in the winter of 2017 for a little over a month. I felt the meals had a ton of steps for some mediocre flavors. It just seemed to be more of a hassle than a convenience. When I talked to other people who also tried Hello Fresh, they agreed that there were just too many steps and wasn’t a fan. If you have checked out the rest of my website, Studio Sheppard, you would see that I am an avid cooker. And the 2017 Hello Fresh meals were just not living up to what I was used to cooking every night. With that being said, I canceled my subscription. A few weeks later I got a call from Hello Fresh wondering if I could give some feedback on how they could approve. I have never received a call from a company asking for constructive criticism after canceling with them. I found that very appealing to try them again in the future.

Fast forward to 2020. Due to COVID-19, most of the United States was ordered a Stay-at-Home order. With a small child, I did not want to be going to the grocery store. And let’s be real, when I did, there was no food left on the shelves anyways. So I decided to order Hello Fresh. Right away the recipes seem a lot more appealing than my 2017 experience. When it arrived and I tried out my first recipe, I was absolutely blown away. It was a 30-minute meal, with few steps, and TONS of flavor. I am currently 5 weeks in and am completely hooked! Each and every meal is FANTASTIC. You can tell they really took their customers feedback and changed their whole dynamic. These recipes are now quick and amazing! Some recipes still do have a decent amount of steps. BUT, now the steps are totally worth it for the amazing flavors that come out of it. 10/10 would totally recommend giving Hello Fresh a shot! 

How your Hello Fresh Box will arrive. 

            When signing up, you can pick which of the 3 days they offer that you would like your Hello Fresh box to arrive. It will arrive on your door step in a large box insulated with dry ice packs. You will find each meals ingredients bagged separately, your step-by-step meal cards and your meat (sometimes hidden) directly under the ice packs. Package tracking information will also be sent to your email and on the app so you will always know when your box will arrive. 

Why you might like Hello Fresh.

  • Your meals are already planned for the week and ingredients are all ready to go in the fridge. 

  • It is very convenient. 

  • You are able to try many different new meals week after week that you might not have thought to make before. 

  • All meals are already portioned out for as many people as you chose (2, 4 or 6 people). This helps drastically with portion control if this is something your family struggles with. 

  • You eat more at home because your meals are already in the fridge ready for you.

  • Most importantly, you are cooking for your family. 

Why you may not like Hello Fresh. 

  • If you have a picky eater. These meals (although delicious) do have a variety of ingredients. If you have a very strong picky eater, I don’t think this would be for you.

  • Allergies. Although you can request not to have certain items, if you have something like a gluten or dairy allergy, this might not be the meal service for you. 

  • If you’re the type of person who has a fully stocked fridge but constantly tends to order out anyways to avoid cooking. You will waste a ton of money (and food) if this is your go-to habit. 

  • If you are just not into cooking. I get it. Some people just aren’t meant to cook. This meal service does take some effort and if you absolutely hate cooking, this might not be for you. 

Some of the meals I have cooked and loved. 

  • Chicken Sausage Spaghetti Bolognese

  • Southwest Chicken Sausage & Rice Skillet

  • Lemon Thyme Pork

  • Figgy Balsamic Pork

  • Mexican Chicken & Rice Bowls

Will I stick with Hello Fresh?

Yes! Absolutely. While I would like to try other meal delivery services to see how they compare, I will defiantly continue to order from Hello Fresh. I have been blown away week after week with their recipes. The meals and flavors you create out of the short 30-40 minute cooking time is remarkable. And I can’t help but appreciate the amount of effort and constructive criticism Hello Fresh has taken from their customers over the years to create a service that’s truly impressive. Every time my husband and I sit down to have a Hello Fresh meal, we can’t get over how much our 2020 Hello Fresh experience is a million times better than our 2017 experience. And with that being said, yes, I will 100% be a committed Hello Fresh customer. 

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